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How To Make Money While Playing Games


It is possible to gain money by playing video games, but it is not easy. Here are some choices to consider and whether or not they are appropriate for you.

Many people who go this approach will give up after a few years (or months) since the labor part takes away the fun of gaming. They end up loathing what they once loved instead of doing what they love. It’s also perilous because of the crowded market. Hundreds of others have tried and failed for every success tale. We wouldn’t advocate it unless you’re young, unmarried, and prepared to put in several years of effort knowing that it could all be for naught. But it’s a distinct possibility! Here are a few ideas for how you might start making money while playing video games.

1. Take A Shot at Games Journalism:

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To improve your focus and concentration, make distraction journals and passes.

Do you aspire to be a writer? Start creating the news, reviews, and interviews about a specific game, genre, or industry by joining an existing site or starting your own. As a freelancer, you can get paid for each piece if you write for an established website. You can monetize your traffic with adverts, Patreon subscriptions, or other similar methods if you’re launching your own website.

What Makes It Difficult

Games journalism, like most forms of journalism, is a competitive field. A lot of people desire to make a living writing about games! Journalism may be time-consuming. To gain scoops before others, you’ll need to tap into a variety of sources 24 hours a day, seven days a week for news writing. It takes a long time to conduct thorough reviews and interviews. Writing every day, in general, can be a significant drain on mental resources.

The First Steps

Look for job openings at medium-sized gaming establishments. For the time being, avoid huge gaming sites like IGN, as well as startups with no readership. Check to see whether you have any writing samples on hand. Send in your application (along with writing samples) and cross your fingers. If you don’t have any samples, start by volunteering to write for tiny websites.

We don’t recommend starting your own games journalism blog until you’ve worked for a reputable publication for several years. It’s difficult enough to write every day. On top of that, you’ve got to manage a website. That’s a whole new level of effort, and it’s easy to burn out on it.

2. Create Video Game Tutorials And Guides:

How To Make Money While Playing Games

Players who are new to multiplayer player-versus-player (PvP) games enjoy reading guidelines. Creating a website for written guides, uploading video guides to YouTube, or publishing guides as ebooks are all options. The first two are frequently monetized by advertisements and/or donations, whereas the ebook route is based on sales.

What Makes It Difficult

A guide can be written by anyone. You’ll need to produce guides for popular games to make any money from them, but the more popular the game, the more competition you’ll face. To set your guides distinct, you’ll need to provide more insight than others, which will need a significant amount of time and effort to establish yourself as an expert.

You’ll also require excellent writing abilities. Guides must be thick and detailed while also being interesting and understandable. Whether you’re writing for the web or selling ebooks, formatting abilities are essential. GameFAQs, for example, has a “Bounty Program” that pays you money if you’re the first to produce a full tutorial for a game. The majority of these tours cost at least $200, which sounds fantastic. However, when you consider the amount of time it will take you to learn the game and explain every detail, you will be earning much below the minimum wage per hour.

The First Steps

Find a popular game, figure out what issues people are having, study the ins and outs of the issue, and then educate others on how to solve it. Aim for gold guidelines, leveling guides, and raid guides in massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs). Look for build and mechanics guides for PvP games like Overwatch or Valorant. And for single-player games, targeted guides on themes like winning a certain Achievement/Trophy will generally be the most successful.

3. Get Paid To Stream Live:

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Anyone can broadcast their games in real-time to the rest of the globe. Aim for a large audience (which you may monetize with adverts) or a dedicated following (to monetize with donations and subscriptions). Twitch is the most popular streaming platform, but YouTube is also an alternative.

What Makes It Difficult

Building a live broadcast audience takes a long time. It’s possible that you won’t break 10 viewers for several months, and that you won’t hit 100 viewers for many years. Most streamers never get there, and to make living broadcasting video games, you’ll need tens of thousands of regular viewers.

The streaming market is overcrowded. Why should someone pay attention to you when there are so many other interesting streams to watch? That is the difficult part. Make a name for yourself by having your unique sense of humor or personality, being a world-class player, or playing games that no one else is playing.

The First Steps

Fortunately, there is a low barrier to entry for streaming. All you’ll need is a good computer, some games that others want to watch, a kind demeanor, and streaming software. Check that your internet upload speed is sufficient to handle the stream as well as the game you’re playing.

We’ve shown you how to get started using Streamlabs OBS, which is an excellent starter option for PC gaming. You’ll need a capture card if you’re playing on a console, which is an additional cost.

4. Get Paid To Play Video Games:

Before a game is released, it goes through several stages of development. Developers need outsiders to playtest their games with fresh eyes as they near completion. Your duty as a playtester is to go over whatever the developer wants you to go over, including detecting and recording bugs and other issues.

What Makes It Difficult

It’s not difficult to become a tester these days, yet it can be a mind-numbing job. Playing games to deliberately break them becomes tedious quickly, especially if you have to check the same spots after each revision. The pay isn’t really good (on par with, or slightly better than, minimum wage). Most game testing jobs are for mobile games unless you can get an internal position at a large game production business. Getting Started Look at services like PlaytestCloud, BetaFamily, and beta testing for on-demand playtesting. It’s more difficult to work as an inside tester for a corporation. You’ll have to scour job sites for openings, research firms for open positions, apply and hope for the best.


Obtain Sponsorships and Win Gaming Tournaments


PvP games are rife with tournaments. Of course, the higher the prize pool, the more popular the game becomes. If you’re good enough to join an eSports team, you might be able to make a decent living off of winnings and sponsorships. Most competitive gamers also use live streaming (#1) to supplement their revenue.

Why It’s a challenge

Not everyone is capable of succeeding. You can be a world-class player and still lose money in a tournament if you are knocked out early. Even if you win a large sum of money, it may not be enough to cover the costs of hotels and airfare. You can’t live off the winnings if you aren’t continuously at the top.

In addition, the eSports sector is still in its infancy. Even if you get a spot on a prestigious team, your “compensation” may be less than minimum pay. Con artists and crooks prey on unsuspecting players in the sector. There have been reports of players not being paid what they were promised on occasion.

The First Steps

Look for a popular PvP game with a lot of tournaments and a lot of eSports attention. Practice, practice, and more practice. As your skills improve, connect with other professional gamers to get your name out there.

To be perfectly honest, you’ll probably have better luck (and make more money) as a non-competitive streamer. That way, even if you’re not the best, people will still love watching you.

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