Home Entertainment The Controversial Election Review In Arizona Confirms Biden’s Win

The Controversial Election Review In Arizona Confirms Biden’s Win


According to a widely panned GOP-led assessment of the 2020 election in Arizona’s largest county, Joe Biden received more votes than President Donald Trump. A hand recount of the almost 2.1 million ballots cast in Maricopa County hewed closely to the official canvass of the results certified by county administrators, according to a draught copy of the findings acquired by NPR member station KJZZ.

In reality, the new hand recount showed that Biden received 99 votes more than the county’s tally, while Trump received 261 votes less than the official results. The validity of the draught was certified by Randy Pullen, a spokesman for the election review. He stated Thursday, “It’s not the final report, but it’s near.”

The draught copy was obtained by KJZZ less than 24 hours before a scheduled presentation in the Arizona state Senate from a source familiar with the review. The contractors that were recruited to conduct the investigation will present their results.


The so-called Arizona audit has been seized by Trump and his friends as proof of their broad and unsubstantiated allegations that the 2020 election would be rigged. Despite the lack of evidence of significant fraud or other concerns with last year’s election, Republicans in other states have visited Maricopa County’s election review and launched similar probes in their own states. The Maricopa study, on the other hand, casts doubt on the most sweeping allegations of fraud.

The Controversial Election Review In Arizona Confirms Biden's Win

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“What has been discovered is both heartening and worrisome,” according to the draught. “On the plus side, there were no significant disparities between the official canvass results for the county and the hand count of the ballots submitted. The hand recount was “pretty close” to the official tally, according to Pullen. “Was there any kind of major fraud going on? It doesn’t appear to be the case “Added he.

The draught report, on the other hand, expresses worries about the county’s election systems and record-keeping, and accuses Maricopa County authorities of obstructing their efforts to conduct a “full audit.” “The bulk of these hurdles would have been easily solved if Maricopa County had chosen to participate with the audit,” the report adds. Senate President Karen Fann and Republican Senator Warren Petersen both filed subpoenas to get the ballots and voting materials required for the probe.

Other reports that will be provided in detail Friday, according to Pullen, have not been leaked, and “anomalies” discovered in voting records are significant enough to put doubt on the final vote tally, notwithstanding the manual recount’s affirmation of the result. After erroneous assertions regarding the county’s election, Maricopa County supervisors have declined to help the contractors hired by Fann, accusing them of bias and inexperience.

In May, Maricopa County Board Chair Jack Sellers, a Republican, stated, “The contractors employed by the Senate president are not auditors, and they are not qualified by the United States Election Assistance Commission.” “The Senate’s hires are in well over their heads, and it’s becoming obvious by the day. This isn’t amusing; it’s hazardous.” While the draught copy of the report affirmed the results, county officials wrote on Twitter that “the report is also littered with errors & faulty conclusions about how Maricopa County conducted the 2020 General Election,” adding that “the report is also littered with errors & faulty conclusions about how Maricopa County conducted the 2020 General Election.”

Election experts throughout the country have warned that any results by principal contractor Cyber Ninjas — a Florida-based cybersecurity firm with no prior experience in elections and managed by a CEO who has espoused conspiracy theories about election fraud — can’t be believed. They claim the same is true for subcontractors working on other elements of the Senate’s review.

“This partisan effort in Arizona appears to be ending the same way it started — highly biassed, incompetent individuals running the process, delay after delay after delay, and most importantly, completely opaque,” said David Becker, founder of the Center for Election Innovation and Research, earlier Thursday.

The review’s contractors and Arizona state Senate Republicans have drawn the attention of the US Justice Department, made erroneous claims about illegitimate votes that were quickly debunked, and revealed that prominent Trump supporters funding the effort to delegitimize the former president’s defeat provided millions of dollars.

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