Home Games Call Of Duty Mobile Hacks – Top 10 Tips You Need To Know

Call Of Duty Mobile Hacks – Top 10 Tips You Need To Know


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Today, I will show you 10 Call Of Duty Mobile Hacks and tips and tricks that no one will tell you.

10.Playing Against Bots        Call Of Duty Mobile Hacks

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You’re playing against bots until level seven, Now this thing is kind of like the way that PUBG rolls out.

  • Obviously, the game is gonna be played by a whole bunch of more casual players or first-timers to games like Call of Duty or PUBG.

  • So the vast majority of matches that you get into on those first few levels is actually filled with bots.

  • They’ll be just standing around waiting for you to shoot them.

  • So that you get massive kill streak bonuses and you get a feel for the way the Call of Duty is going to play.

  • When you actually get good at the game overall only to slowly tackle in human players until you get to around level 10.

  • When you’re going up against all humans the whole time you’ll know because you’ll start dying a whole lot more number.

9. Do Not Forget To Claim Your Unlocked Items

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  • There’s a tiny little icon on the main menu hiding all sorts of unlockable rewards the sort of things that have been triggering after each match.

  • You just need to tap on it and you will have a whole load of stuff that you can claim.

  • It is based on headshots and killstreaks and downing X number of team members.

8.Slide By Crouching While Sprinting    Call Of Duty Mobile Hacks

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  • You can slide while you’re sprinting, You just need to make sure that you tap the Crouch button after you’ve locked in the Sprints.

  • Now I’ll get on to running options and stuff later but don’t think that they haven’t thought of everything

  • They’ve tried to bring across at least the majority of your tactical options when playing the full game.

7. You Can Relocate All The Touch Controls

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call of duty mobile hacks

  • Another thing brought across from PUBG Mobile is that you can hop into the game settings and go on custom layouts and then just literally move all the

    objects all the different quote-unquote buttons to wherever you think they’re gonna be most effective.

  • So although I love the advanced control scheme

  • sometimes you just want to tweak stuff.

  • So that it’s easier or more comfortable maybe putting the buttons towards the outside of the screen if you’re a bigger person or,

  • You don’t want to cover a lot much of the screen just trying to shoot back

6. Play With Headphones        Call Of Duty Mobile Hacks

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  • Play Call of Duty with headphones.

  • This will amount you extra kills that you’ll get just by hearing other players footsteps or,

  • They’re moving around you is exponential in the long run just play with headphones 

5 . Use Advanced Aiming      Call Of Duty Mobile Hacks

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  • Now the two control schemes that call of duty mobile has are kind of interesting.

  • One means that you just need to move the camera over someone and then tap the button for it to auto shoot

  • Secondly, you can use advanced aiming which I totally think is the way to go, It means that you can kind of juggle being able to zoom in with your right firm and then fire off some shots independently with your left thumb.

  • I know it sounds crazy it sounds like the most counterintuitive thing but for me advanced aiming is the way.

  • You don’t want to be relying on an AI to auto shoot especially with the amount of lag that can come from actually playing.

4. Practice Engaging In FireFights Against AI

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  • Now you can play call of duty with all your friends but once you tap on the multiplayer option.

  • Go to the bottom right and look at all the different options that you have.

  • One of them is literally called practice against AI and you’re gonna need to do that

  • You need to need to put some time into reconfiguring your brain coming across from controllers or P board a mouse or whatever to get used to touching the control.

  • I just totally recommend hopping into the AI mode and just practicing some headshots or practicing moving and aiming at the go sliding while firing things like that.

  • Go up against the AI rack up a body count and then hop into the actual PvP.

3. You Can Fire Underwater

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  • The maps released so far don’t include any bodies of water that you can get underneath and flank other players.

  • But if you’re playing the battle royale mode you totally can do and once you hop into the water down,

  • You can go underwater and you can actually just get some shots off just literally hiding underwater.

  • Just pew in from underneath other players won’t see you there and you can get the drop on them if you end up in the water against another player.

2. Go Prone By Holding Crouch         

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  • Just hold the Crouch button to go completely pro.

  • As you play the more that skill level is gonna get higher

  • If you’re playing power royale and you just need to know that you need to hold down the Crouch button to do it

1. lock Sprint By Sliding Upwards      Call Of Duty Mobile Hacks

  • This sounds kind of weird but it’s totally the same control scheme feels that air pubg If you’re moving using your left thumb.

  • If you start swiping upwards you will see an icon that appears when you’re moving.

  • If you slide your thumb upwards and leave it on that icon you can lock your character into a front sprint.

  • This makes it a lot easier to cover big distances on the map.

    In conclusion, We hope now you know all about Call Of Duty Mobile Hacks And Tips And Tricks. 

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