Home Anime Detective Conan: Zero’s Teatime will be released in April on Netflix

Detective Conan: Zero’s Teatime will be released in April on Netflix

Detective Conan: Zero’s Teatime will be released in April on Netflix

We already have a premiere month set for one of the exclusive and long-awaited spin offs of Detective Conan on Netflix. anime series Detective Conan: Zero’s Teatime will premiere in April.

Very soon we will know the specific date and details, such as the chapters that this anime series will have.

Tomochi Kosaka is in charge of directing this new production by TMS.

This spin-off of Detective Conan revolves around the character of Amuro, the triple agent who must keep all his covers without raising suspicion. Here we are shown a little more in depth what the day-to-day life of this great character is like.

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