Home News Memorial Day: Meaning And Magnitude Of The Holiday

Memorial Day: Meaning And Magnitude Of The Holiday

Memorial Day: Meaning And Magnitude Of The Holiday

Memorial Day honors the fallen of all of America’s Wars, worlds Memorial day got its official start after the American Civil War but the ritual of honoring war dead at a specific time goes back thousands of years, Most ancient cities would separate the dead from the living by burying them well outside their walls but ancient Spartans would bury their fallen soldiers in their city as a way of honoring them and after the famous battle with the Persians that was depicted in the movie 300. The Greek historian Herodotus memorized the names of every fallen soldier.

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The first American incarnation of Worlds Memorial day was in 1868 when General John Logan declared decoration day for the purpose of decorating the graves of fallen soldiers and the brutal war that had ended only three years earlier, On the first decoration day flowers were strewn on the graves of over 20,000 Union and Confederate soldiers who were buried at Arlington National Cemetery by 1890.

Decoration day was adopted at the state level across the entire nation with the tragically massive loss of life in World War I, The holiday was expanded to include the fallen military members in all American wars and came to be known as Memorial day and in 1971 in the thick of the Vietnam conflict, Memorial Day became an official federal holiday. Like Veterans Day Memorial Day began as a way to honor veterans of a specific war and was later expanded to include veterans of all wars.

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Memorial Day is distinct and that it specifically recognizes the military personnel who gave their lives defending their country many other countries have holidays where they honored their war debt, In a similar fashion, Russia does this on Victory Day, Great Britain on Remembrance Day, Australia, and New Zealand on Anzac Dayto, These are just a few examples.

I hope this article will tell you everything about Memorial Day and its magnitude.

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