Through the free content of the platform Rakuten-TV The first 100 episodes of the anime series have been released Rantaro, Ninja Boya series that has been broadcast (licensed episodes) on regional networks and some of the first, at the time, by Nickelodeon.
Now the first 100 episodes have been posted, available for free through the platform, both on the web and in the app.
Rantaró, the Ninja Boy, is one of the funniest animated series produced in Japan. Proof of this are the 322 episodes made to date which, full of action and sympathy, parody the rigorous discipline of Japanese martial arts schools. Rantaró and his friends, “acorn” students of a ninja school, subjected to harsh tests and unexpected exams by their teachers, overcome difficulties with more sense of humor and pranks than not with their swords, at the same time that they are frequently embarrassed by their younger, tougher neighbors Kunoichi, the girls at an all-girls ninja school.