Home News These 5 Animals Are Going To Extinct Soon | Know Why

These 5 Animals Are Going To Extinct Soon | Know Why


Our beautiful mother Earth is the most beautiful planet among others in our solar system and a considerable amount of credit goes to the 8.7 million species of plants and animals. The biodiversity is huge. Even though this count of species is growing every year and still shows no signs of stopping yet at all, it doesn’t change the fact that a lot of species are going extinct.

More and more species are going extinct every year due to our so-called smart activities like poaching, habitat destruction and the effects of climate change is also due to our activities. 

Here, given below are the top 5 animal species that are going to be extinct sooner than we thought if we don’t do anything to conserve them.

1. Vaquita

The smallest marine mammal is sadly also the most endangered in the world. In 1996, the IUCN declared them as a Critically Endangered species and their population dwindled at an alarming rate since then, so much so that there were only about 10 to 20 Vaquitas alive in the whole world. 

The major cause for their decreasing population includes the use of fishing nets and chlorinated pesticides. They are now sometimes rarely found in the northern part of the Gulf of California, Mexico

2. Sea Turtles

Coming up next on our list are the Sea Turtles. There are two species of sea turtles that are the closest to extinction, these are Leatherback Turtles and Hawksbill Turtles. According to the IUCN Red List of Threatened species, both of them are declared as Critically Endangered. As always, just like other species on our list, these too are at high risk of extinction due to poachers targeting their shells, eggs, and skin as well. Also, even a little climate change could threaten the existence of the entire population.

3. Rhinos

Rhinos as everybody knows are great creatures that are mostly known for their horns but what everybody doesn’t have any idea about is that the primary cause of their species being endangered is poacher’s greed dor those prideful horns of theirs. According to some research, we found out that the horns of the rarest species of rhinos that are Javan Rhinos can go as high as $30,000 for a single kilogram. That is the primary reason why the Javan Rhinos are the closest to extinction among the others.

4. Orangutans

Orangutans, one of the smartest species of the monkey group that was once widespread have dwindled so much so that their species was declared Critically Endangered. 

The primary causes for their extinction are the removal of forests, forest fires. Bt the greatest threat to their survival is illegal hunting.

Luckily, you can still see some of them naturally living on the Indonesian Islands and that too is under serious threat

5. Tigers

The national animal of India, Tigers has dwindled in numbers from about 100,000 tigers during the early 20th century to only about 4000 in present.

Almost every day we can see that a tiger has escaped from a zoo or from a national park or even the first. This is happening because of their habitat destruction and fragmentation at the hands of us humans.

India is the country with the most numbers of tigers along with some of its neighboring countries.

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