Home Anime Top 5 Madara Uchiha Quotes About The Messed Up World We Live In

Top 5 Madara Uchiha Quotes About The Messed Up World We Live In


Madara Uchiha, the man who annihilated the power of Allied Shinobi with one hand. He is a book of short stories in himself, and every quote from Madara Uchiha is a harsh reality of the world we try not to accept. This series has some of the nicest sinners in the anime nation from Zabuza Momochi to Isshiki Otsutsuki. Yet, Madara Uchiha is miles ahead of everyone we’ve seen in the series so far. He might not be the strongest, but he was such a well-written character that his presence alone was enough to fill one’s heart with weight. Here we have collected 5 quotes from Madara Uchiha that describe the tangled world we live in.

Top 5 Madara Uchiha Quotes

1. “Talking about peace whilst spilling blood, it’s something that only humans can do.”
As one of the longest-serving shinobi of all time, Madara knows the intricacies of the human heart. He knew exactly how to taint the purest rumors with seeds of hatred. During his years of conquest, he manipulated many capable shinobi not only through his sharingan but also with his words.

2. “Weakness of any kind completely revokes me.”
Madara has always been a prodigy, even among the Uchiha. It’s not wrong to call it the strongest Uchiha of all time. Also, he is unable to withstand weakness and never forfeited a chance to show people how ineffective they were.

3. “Would you consider dying together “Teamwork” as well?”
Forget teamwork; even a full army didn’t reach the power of god Madara Uchiha. Tricks like teamwork are completely useless when you reach a certain power difference with your opponent. Alone or with your battalion, facing Madara in battle is tantamount to suicide.

4. “They’re two sides of the same coin… to protect something… another must be sacrificed.”
Madara Uchiha did not believe in an idealistic society, and all of his quotes reflect the same theme. He believed that in order to maintain one thing, something else had to be sacrificed.

5. “The concept of hope is nothing more than giving up. A word that holds no true meaning.”
Hope is a trap that makes Madara fall again and again. He “hopes” that arch-rivals like the Senjus and the Uchiha can get past their bloody history and build a village together. However, Tobirama’s intolerant and discriminatory methods are proven every time he is wrong.

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