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8 Ways To Increase Website’s RPM In 2021

8 Ways To Increase Website’s RPM In 2021

Scroll down to know more about What is RPM, What is CPC, how to increase the website’s rpm and CPC, And More.

What Is RPM?


RPM is an abbreviation for revenue per mill, or revenue per thousand, and is a digital advertising metric used by publishers to estimate the revenue a site can generate for every thousand page views.

What Is CPC?

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CPC varies depending on the content, context, and niche of the ad. Publishers should make sure that they are keeping both CTR and CPC as high as possible because increasing these two metrics will increase their page RPM.

How To Increase RPM And CPC:

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There are many ways to increase RPM and CPC are the following:

Pay attention to the quality of your content

It may be a cliché at this point, but focusing on the quality of your content is the foundation that will allow you to command a high page RPM. Having content that is important to your audience has a waterfall effect on all other metrics and optimizations.

Suggest relevant content to maintain user engagement

Content recommendation engines are designed to provide navigation routes to related content to keep users engaged and increase their time on the page and across the site.

Increase site speed and fix technical problems

Increasing the loading speed of your site and ads is an important factor in improving user experience and ad viewing potential. But you should also pay attention to any other technical issues that could hurt your performance, such as mobile rendering issues or broken links.

Increase Ad Visibility

How effective is an ad that is not seen by the user? Not very effective. Advertisers and publishers are increasingly using this metric to measure advertising campaigns. There is an increasing trend among advertisers to pay only for their viewable impressions.

Customize your ad format and size

You can accept a variety of ad formats on your site: text, display, video, rich media, or expandable ads. Some ad formats have a higher cost per click and impression.

Diversify your ad network

Fill rate is an online advertising metric that defines how many ad placements a publisher can fill with ads. You should aim for a high fill rate to maximize your revenue potential.

Use header bidding

Header bidding is a programmatic advertising technique that allows you to offer your ad space to multiple ad networks, which then bid for the opportunity to place an ad in your content.

Apply ad refresh

With Ad Refresh, you can show multiple ads to the same user on the same ad placement. After a condition is met, which may be time on the page, an action taken by the visitor, or any other event, the current ad is refreshed and replaced with a different ad.

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