Home Technology WhatsApp Privacy Policy Update , Is the New policy Dangerous?, Check Out All the Updates- Tremblzer Blog

WhatsApp Privacy Policy Update , Is the New policy Dangerous?, Check Out All the Updates- Tremblzer Blog


Can Whatsapp read conversations between me and my family? Will facebook find out my bank balance with the new policy? Are we going to stop using WhatsApp? Is WhatsApp really dangerous? Do you also have these questions in your mind after the WhatsApp privacy policy update, Well let’s find out?

So in the past few days, we read both Facebook and WhatsApp’s privacy policy and we found out some interesting things.

The story begins from the year 2014 when Facebook buys it for $19billion.” Such a big amount for a free App what a terrible deal “, right? No, In 2014, the user base was 500Million user’s and 1 million users were connecting with WhatsApp every day! Today WhatsApp has a user base of more than 2 billion active users with more than 5 billion downloads so, in $19 million Facebook was not just purchasing WhatsApp’s technology, Facebook was purchasing WhatsApp’s growing userbase.

What Change After WhatsApp Policy Update? Can Facebook Read Your Private Messages?

The answer is No because its messages are end-to-end encrypted, after you type the message your message is folded or encrypted in a certain way and when the recipient receives the message, The recipient can unfold or decrypt it in a certain way in between no one can read your messages.

So What Has Changed?

When businesses use it to reach out, they use third party tools so,

If you interact with your bank through Whatsapp and that bank uses a third-party tool to interact with you then your data will be shared with that third-party business too.
Mark Zuckerberg announced in October 2020 that Facebook plans to integrate its product.

Today Facebook is collecting  your data, but they don’t integrate their complete data, with the new update Facebook has declared that there will be more data sharing including (your Mobile Model, Ip Address, OS, Phone Number, etc…) Which is a little overdone for a mere messaging app, The problem is after 8th February we have to choose.

Either we stop using Whatsapp which is already a big part of our lives
Or we have to share our data with Facebook and WhatsApp

Should We Delete WhatsApp?

Not right now, because it helps us to connect with our family and friends, instead we could move on to more secure apps like (Signal) so that our important work-related conversations are more secured.

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